Business & Computing

Head of Business & Computing Faculty: Miss K Hurley
tel: 0208 360 7773 Ext 431 


The Business department at Winchmore School aims to develop young business entrepreneurs through the delivery of specifically tailored teaching to cater for our wide range of students. It is essential our delivery is meeting the needs of all students bilingual learners and EAL, EHCP we offer both academic and vocational courses. Literacy is a priority for us as correct use of academic language is essential for a good level of achievement to be made as key terms and accurate application in exam questions must take place. We also encourage critical thinking through the application of theory in relation to current affairs where possible. This blend of essential skills will not only enable students to leave Winchmore School prepared for success in a wide range of careers, but equip them with a lifelong thirst for knowledge and greater understanding of the world around them. We take Winchmore students learning outside the classroom with a desire to allow students experience business from a cultural capital aspect. We see it imperative that every student in the department is exposed to how businesses operate and is enriched with a business trip annually. 





Students are offered the opportunity to study Economics at Winchmore School where we deliver teaching and learning through the development of analytical skills. These skills are required to interpret the Economic world around them and to understand how economies grow, tackle unemployment, grapple with environmental issues, reduce crime and even understand demographic change.  Potential effects of current issues such as Brexit and the pandemic and how such events impact not only the economy, but our daily lives and future opportunities are also a main focus of the curriculum. This blend of essential skills will not only enable Economics students to leave Winchmore School prepared for success in a wide range of careers, but equip them with a lifelong thirst for knowledge and greater understanding of the world around them.





Financial Studies provides an in-depth exploration of the key concepts of financial capability and how they are applied to achieve longer-term financial sustainability. The aim is to develop student’s ability to make informed and confident decisions regarding their finances.



Head of Computing : Mrs P Christou
tel: 0208 360 7773 Ext 121

Our intent within the computing department is to develop the computational and practical skills of all our mixed ability learners, which affords them the opportunity to go onto university or into the Computing and  IT industry. Our diverse curriculum constitutes a rich blend of theory, digital literacy and practical elements, all taught in a fun and positive learning environment. Our learning intent is further enhanced through personalised and tailor-made learning for every student, irrespective of SEN or EAL status, gender or ethnicity. Literacy is a key component in students making progress which is made possible by the regular use of relevant computing keywords. As computers play an integral part in our society, we believe learners should be afforded the opportunities to experience computers in the real world, so as a department we organise work experience to IBM global technology innovator, leading advances in AI, automation and hybrid cloud solutions that help businesses and trips to Silicon Round, Euro Gamer and Thrope Park.  





Name  Position     Contact
Miss Hurley  Head of Business & Computing
Mrs Christou Head of Computing & eLearning Coordinator
Mrs Ahmed  Business 
Ms Hastings  Business/Economics
Mrs Oduro Business/Economics  
Ms Panayi Business
Mr Ali Business
Mr Panayi Computing/ Finance & 6th form director
Mr Bulbul Computing & HOY11
Mr Joyce Computing & KS3 Coordinator
Mr Covill Computing
Miss Askin  Computing