
The Cambridge Technicals in Sport and Physical Activity provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills required for employment in the sector. Using a practical approach, students will develop specific skills that enable them to participate as an assistant in a variety of roles, understanding how sport and physical activity are delivered and organised in the UK. This qualification is for those who wish to develop sporting skills of teams, individuals, participants and clients through improving fitness and monitoring progress over a period of time, delivering a series of sporting sessions. Students will learn how to adapt practices to suit individuals needs and how to promote sport within particular target groups. Across the two year curriculum, students will study a total of 6 units and these have been mapped out in the curriculum map below. 

How is the qualification assessed?

These qualifications are assessed using a combination of:

  • External assessment, set and marked by OCR

  • Internal assessment, where the teacher assesses learners’ work which is externally moderated by OCR

How are these graded?

Every unit achieved will be graded as pass, merit or distinction. Qualifications are graded using a Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction* structure.